How to Answer the Toughest Interview Questions

When you’re faced with a tough interview question, you may feel uncomfortable answering it. These types of questions often relate to your personal life, your weaknesses, or mistakes that you’ve made in the past. However, no matter what type of interview question you’re asked, it’s important to never get flustered or appear nervous. Remember that […]
25 Things Job Recruiters Look For

For many people, a job interview is the most nerve-racking experience of their lives. Not only is it a chance to show off your qualifications, but the interviewers can also make or break your chances at landing a great job. So what exactly do recruiters look for? Here are 25 things they’re looking for in […]
Top Questions To Ask At The End Of Your Interview

Wondering about which questions you should ask at the end of your interview? There’s always a chance that you’ll be asked if you have any questions for the recruiter. This is a great time to ask some questions about the company, but it’s also a great opportunity to make a good impression on the interviewer. […]
How To Respond To The Dreaded ‘What Is Your Greatest Weakness’ Question (Without Saying ‘Perfectionism’)

Your interview is going superbly well, you think you’ve hit it out of the park and are getting along well with the interviewer. But then, seemingly out of nowhere, comes the dreaded question: “What is your biggest weakness?” This is a popular question to try and trip up prospects during the interview process. Answering with […]
5 Tips To Nail Your Job Interview Over Remote Video Call

Because of the COVID-19 virus pandemic, job prospects can no longer do in-person interviews for jobs. Instead, they do them over video conference call remotely.
Here are some tips to help you prepare for a job interview over video conference call…
15 Jobs that are in-demand during the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many industries and the employee-base of countless businesses who have been forced to layoff workers to stay afloat. However, we’ve also been seeing the demand for certain jobs increase due to the lifestyle change of North Americans due to COVID-19, as well as the shortage of workers in specific industries […]
10 Things That Will Get Your Resume Sorted Into The No Pile

If a potential employer is going through stacks upon stacks of resumes (as most recruiters do), then they are most likely going to put yours into one of two piles right away: the “yes” pile or the “no” pile. The “no” pile is for resumes that they will scan over and then put aside. The […]
5 Tips for remembering names during an interview

When meeting people in a job interview, it is critically important to remember your interviewers’ names. This will help them feel that you are paying attention to them and make you look confident and professional. While it may be challenging to remember everyone’s names in the interview, using the interviewer’s name while they are conducting […]